It is often said and heard that necessity is the mother of invention. I say, necessity is also the mother of great recipes, such as my Kit Kat Hazelnut Brownies. Just recently, I needed to make brownies for some friends. As I was starting to bake, I realized that I ran out of chocolate chips. But I did have several packs of Kit Kat. The result — this delectable
dessert. You’ll be tempted to make this dessert the start of your meal.
Hazelnut Kitkat Brownies (Also see related video below)
- Bittersweet chocolate, chopped, 1 cup
- Butter, 1 barHazelnuts, toasted, coarsely chopped, 2 cups (these can be toasted in your oven or oven toaster until light brown)
- Brown sugar, 1 cup
- Instant espresso powder, 1 tbsp
- Vanilla Extract, 1 tsp
- Salt, 1/2 tsp
- Eggs, 4
- Flour, 1 cup
Preheat the oven at 350 F
1) Using a double boiler, melt the bittersweet chocolate with 10 teaspoons of butter. Setaside.
2) Whisk together the brown sugar, espressor powder, vanilla extract, salt. Then add eggs oneat a time. Whisk well until everything has combined well. Expect a smooth but somewhat grainymixture. Set aside.
3) Chop the Kit Kat into small squares.
4) In a separate bowl, mix together the kitkat, flour, and 1 1/2 cups hazelnuts
5) Gradually mix in the dry ingredients to the batter.
6) Mix in the melted chocolate.
7) Grease a 10-inch baking pan and line with baking paper. Pour the batter. Sprinkle the topwith the remaining hazelnuts.
8) Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
9) Allow the brownies to cool for a few minutes before transferring to a rack for slicing.
Makes about 20 bars.
I love serving this dessert with ice cream!

Related video — Comfort Zone with Ralph Guzman Episode 1:
i miss this, ralph!!!!
Ate Malou! Long time no see! Hope all is well with you. Cute your baby!