Among Ed for VP?

I would be very careful if I were Governor Panlilio.  There are talks about him being courted to run as vice president of other presidentiables.  He should consider watching the defunct US TV series, Commander-In-Chief.  Geena Davis stars as President McKenzie Allen, the first independent and woman president of the United States.

She rises to power after the incumbent Republican President suffers a stroke.

While McKenzie makes history, of course, it does not guarantee an easy time at the White House.  Later episodes would reveal that she was just chosen by the President Teddy Bridges because she brought in the votes of the soccer moms (hey, isn’t that what John McCain did with Sarah Palin?).  And worse, the President and his men schemed to give her the boot.  Of course, Bridges died, and that pave the way for McKenzie to assume the presidency.

Politicos will just use him.  Well, I still am not sure about Panlilio’s actual ability to run a country like ours.  Plus, I am concerned about the implications of an ex-priest running the country.  But I sure wouldn’t want his name tainted and destroyed by politicos who will just use him.

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