Upside Down for the nth time

I am amazed at how much has happened in less than a month — and how certain developments, like many other developments this year, have turned my life positively upside down.

I would like to believe that I am in an almost-perfect state of happiness.  If there’s one life lesson I’ve learned since late last year, there is happiness when one knows where to place it, and knowing where and how to get it.  Partly, I owe this to a great book I’ve read a few months back, which has also been quite a life-changer on its own.

But alas, without my ever planning, happiness has found me, too.

It’s funny. I am inspired, and I could not have been greater, yet I am unable to write as much.  For starters, I suddenly find myself with less and less time to do so.  And also, I’m still looking for the inspiration to really, as in really write.  I have been finding myself in my website’s dashboard, with no creative juices flowing, no ‘angst’ to dish out my usual commentaries or recipes (I would also have to admit a fatigue for politics at the moment).  Hmmm… can too much happiness impair one’s writing?

So now, I am simply dishing out random thoughts of happiness I am still trying to absorb and could not yet verbalize — and a sense of certainty despite the unpredictability of many other things and uncertainties that I am now ready to face head on.

This is one crazy writer’s block.  What a crazy year this is!  And I am enjoying every moment of it.

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